建議售價: NT $880
琪樂薇 酒后53度高粱酒
- 容量:500mL
- 酒精濃度:53% Vol.
- 主要原料:高粱、小麥
- 產品種類:清香型白酒、高梁酒、中式白酒、蒸餾酒、烈酒
- 品牌:琪樂薇 酒后
- 生產地:台灣嘉義縣
- 特色:酒后53度高粱酒,是琪樂薇酒廠經典酒款,以固態發酵工法釀造,100%原漿原酒,天然糧食釀造,入口軟綿,酒香厚實,各種穀物與明亮水果芬芳交會出的風味,深受各方飲酒同好喜愛。
- 建議搭配食物:紅肉類、海鮮類、醃漬肉類、醃漬蔬菜、魚子醬、麵包或餅乾。
ChyiLehWei ChiuHou 53% ABV Kaoliang Liquor 500mL
- Size:500mL
- ABV (Alcohol by Volume):53% v/v
- Raw Materials:Kaoliang (Sorghum), Wheat
- Type/Varietal:Chinese Baijiu, Kaoliang Jiu, Gaoliang Chiew, Sorghum Wine, Chinese White Liquor, Distilled Spirits, Light aroma (fragrance / flavour) Baijiu
- Brand:ChyiLehWei ChiuHou
- Location:Chiayi County, Taiwan
- Tasting Notes:A nose of baked wheat bread with citrusy freshness. Intense savoriness of fermented stone fruit and bright floral.The palate is powerful but very soft with doughy flavors, ripe plum, white grape. Finish is long and smooth.
- Match Food: Red Meat, Seafood, Pickled Meat or Vegetables, Caviar, Bread or cracker
※SGS Certified.
~Do Not Drink And Drive~
風味品評表Evaluation Table